
Finding you the best talent to build and grow your innovative team

Metro Search Partners takes an incredibly “hands on” approach working with our clients to find the best person to suit your needs. We work directly with you to get a full understanding of the role(s) you are looking to fill. Our sales team has direct industry experience, allowing us to understand exactly what background is needed to fill your open role and where it would sit. Not only from a theoretical perspective but a practical one as well. Having this experience also facilitates the screening of resumes process. Our team is able to identify irregularities by asking the right questions to ensure a candidates experience is accurate with their resume.

Once we have the requirements of the position we start the search. Our database contains over 20,000 candidates that we have sourced in previous searches. Should we not have already identified the candidate we network utilizing our relationships to find the individual who is currently doing the job at a competitor and motivate them to move. Every candidate is met with prior to them interviewing with you. This gives us an opportunity to assess intangible skills and guide them on how to present their best. This aims at eliminating under qualified candidates prior to interviewing. We build report with our candidates in order to provide you with the best individual to join your team.

Given the new laws surrounding compensation and the uncertainty around that area we are here to guide you through the process. Should you identify a candidate that you wish to hire we handle all compensation negotiations assuring that all parties are treated fairly. We also set ranges with candidates, educating them on market rates to ensure time is not being wasted.